Un partenaire dédié, de la construction aux concessions
At MIC Construct, we create value for the customer that goes beyond just building. Where necessary, and relying on our PPP experience, we can also play an active role in financing, operating and maintaining of the projects we are involved in.
One feature that sets MIC Construct aside in its industry is its in-house engineering department, with expertise in geotechnical engineering, concrete technology, methods and planning tools like BIM and System Engineering. By optimizing our design work and then aligning the execution stage on it, we produce ‘value engineering’, so as to limit construction costs, reduce risks, increase the lifespan of projects and optimise their functional objectives.
It is in our DNA to bring every project we undertake, however challenging, to a successful conclusion. It is typically in difficult circumstances that we display our full creativity and flexibility to ensure a project’s success. At all times we pay close attention to the most stringent safety regulations, which are a top priority for MIC Construct.
Our domains of expertise
From world-famous skyscrapers to low-impact housing developments, MIC impressive track record speaks for its professionalism and mastery. Today, MIC continues to design, develop and deliver fully integrated buildings and real estate properties with a unique architecture, cutting-edge technology and performance, complex logistical and environmental requirements, and challenging deadlines. MIC is especially known for its sound experience in carrying out sophisticated large-scale projects, such as high-rise buildings, shopping malls, hotels, hospitals, schools…

The market for modern port infrastructure is one of the most dynamic in which MIC operates. Benefiting from its in-house engineers’ know-how, MIC carries out projects mostly on a Design & Build basis and owns and operates its specialised marine equipment. This comprehensive design and equipment approach yields considerable cost savings. MIC executes coastal marine works all around the world: breakwaters, jetties, quay walls, locks, marinas, water intakes, shore protection and refurbishment.

In the niche market of industrial structures, MIC designs and builds logistic and handling centres, warehouses and processing plants, as well as infrastructure for power plants.

MIC has established itself as a key player in environmental contracting. MIC provides innovative and tailormade integrated solutions for today’s growing water and waste challenges, and energy needs. It includes the design, engineering, execution, start-up and commissioning of wastewater and drinking water treatment plants, pumping stations, hydroelectric installations…
MIC also focuses on the creation of by-products from waste, such as biogas, biofuel, biosolids and heat recovery. Recoverable resources and energy optimisation are a must in times of rapid demographic changes and a global transition to green energy.

MIC construit des lieux qui transforment les gens en participants. Stades de football de classe mondiale, arènes polyvalentes, parcs à thème et piscines sont quelques exemples emblématiques d’infrastructures exceptionnelles pour le divertissement et les événements sportifs.

MIC réalise les projets de génie civil les plus ambitieux et de grande envergure pour des clients publics et privés. S’appuyant sur ses compétences en ingénierie et ses puissants moyens de mise en œuvre, MIC construit des ouvrages publics complexes tels que des routes, des tunnels, des ponts, des voies ferrées, des barrages…