Projet d’extension du champ pétrolier nord du Qatar
– postes d’amarrage 7, 8, 9 et 10
CHANGEMENT DE GÉOMÉTRIE DE LA CHAUSSÉE ET OPTIMISATION DES BLOCS (POSTE 8, 9 ET 10) Each of the new LNG Berth comprise the following main marine works elements: • 8No. Mooring dolphins with mooring furniture, size 11m x 8.5m – shall be designed as reinforced (bottom blocks) and un-reinforced gravity concrete block dolphins MAIN QUANTITIES (for Berth 8, 9 & 10) Dredging : 28,423 m3 Concrete : 20,295 m3 Project name
Client Entrepreneur principal Emplacement Valeur du projet
Date de début Date d’achèvement Partenaire(s) JV Partie MIC
Projet d’extension du champ pétrolier nord du Qatar
– postes d’amarrage 7, 8, 9 et 10
• Minor dredging works for the rock foundation.
• Connecting causeway – between existing main breakwater and loading platform – shall be designed as a rock fill embankment.
• Loading platform, size 36m x 33.5m – shall be designed as a reinforced concrete deck with an unreinforced gravity concrete block wall
• 4No. Breasting dolphins with mooring and breasting furniture, size 12m x 10.4m – shall be designed as reinforced gravity concrete block dolphins
• Interconnecting walkways, 320m x 2m
• Flare support piled substructure, 11m x
• Topside mechanical, electrical, piping and
instrumentation equipment – by SCT
• Road works – by SCT
• Buildings – by SCT
Rock : 3,421,412 ton
Structural fill : 85,743 m3
Geotextile : 91,962 m2
PC concrete blocks : 74,874 m3 (2,574 nrs)
Catwalk : 522 ton
Tubular pile : 202 tonProject information
EPCC for the Onshore Off plot Common Lean LNG Storage and Loading Facilities for the North Field Expansion – Package 2 Project No. LTC/C/NFE/3997/18
Subcontract for Marine Works for Berth 7, 8,9 & 10
Qatar Petroleum (représenté par Qatargas Operating Co. Ltd.)
Samsung C&T
Cité industrielle de Ras Laffan, État du Qatar
Montant total 240 455 741 USD
Postes d’amarrage 8 et 9 : 123 212 182
USD Poste d’amarrage 10 : 57 977 659 USD
Poste d’amarrage 7 : 59 265 900 USD
mars 2021
février 2025
à 100%