Construction, testing & comissioning of Musaimeer pumping station : marine works
The Musaimeer Pumping Station Project site is located immediately south of the land that was reclaimed far the newly constructed Hamad International Airport (HIA) at the eastern terminus of the Abu Hamour Tunnel.
The MPSO project comprises of a pump station that will receive flows from a 3.7 m ID Abu Hamour Tunnel that conveys drainage from the Southern Outfall Catchment area. The outfall tunnel will extend from the pump station to a distance of 10 km off-shore. The pump station plot size is 100 m x 160 m with its eastern boundary at about elevation zero Qatar National Height Datum (QNHD). The site will be graded to generally have a final elevation between 2.6 m at its westerly boundary to 4.5 m at its easterly boundary. The design high water level (surge tide) of 2.00 m QNDH also takes into consideration climate change effects to the year 2060.